Please allow several weeks for balances to be transferred. You may need to continue to make payments on your existing accounts in order to maintain their current status. Those accounts will remain open even if the entire balance is paid and You are responsible for closing those accounts if You so choose. Balance transfer payments will be made after Your application is approved. Existing credit union accounts must be current. The amount transferred will reduce the amount of available credit on Your credit union Credit Card Account with Us. The balance transfer feature cannot be used to pay any loan payment and We reserve the right to refuse to process any balance transfer request.
I agree to the Terms and Conditions and the statement above. I authorize Public Service Credit Union to process my balance transfer request if approved.
Public Service Credit Union Loan Request
Thank you for submitting your loan request!
You can click to schedule a time for a quick loan follow-up call to finalize a few details about your loan request. We will make every effort to contact you within thirty minutes of your selected time.