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Opening a membership for your child is easy! Just click 'Get Started' and please be sure to enter your child's name and information first, then your information in the Joint Owner section.
TBA Credit Union is committed to advocating financial literacy through creative programs designed especially for students. The Student-Run Credit Union Program offers a unique opportunity for students to operate a mini credit union in their school where fellow students can make real money deposits, into their real TBACU savings accounts.
Why choose TBACU?
Genevieve D.
Traverse City, MI
"I love getting a postcard in the mail for my birthday every year!"
Chris P.
The SRCU (program) has been a very positive experience for the students of Cherry Knoll, as well as for my own son at Westwoods. Students learn about the value of saving, pre-employment skills, and reinforce classroom learning through real-world connections and application.
National Credit Union Administration logo Your savings federally insured to at least $250,000 and backed by the full faith and credit of the United States Government.