Membership Eligibility / Application
Click to Agree *
Section 326 of the USA Patriot Act requires all financial institutions to obtain, verify & record information that identifies each person who opens an account or changes an existing account. This federal requirement applies to all customers. This information is used to assist the United States government in the fight against the funding of terrorism and money-laundering activities. To comply with this federal requirement, GLFFCU asks every person who opens an account for their name, physical address, mailing address, date of birth and other information. For positive identification we will also ask to see each person’s driver’s license/identification card and other identifying documents. GLFFCU personnel will copy or record information from such documents and keep it as part of the customer’s file. We thank you for your understanding and assistance in these matters and pledge to make our compliance with these regulations as transparent and hassle-free as possible.
Primary Account Owner
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How do you qualify for membership? *
I live, work or worship in Delta County
I am directly related to a GLFFCU member
I am a member of Esky Band Boosters
How did you hear about GLFFCU? Select all that apply
Co-Worker or Employer
Event of Community Function
Friends or Family
Social Media
TV or Radio
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Upload Drivers License or Government Issued ID: *

Click or drag & drop image here to upload

Select Accounts
A GLFFCU Savings Account is included in your credit union membership
Select accounts you'd like to open today: *
Savings Account
Checking Account
Sub Savings Account
Joint Owner (optional)
Joint Owner Information
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Upload Drivers License or Government Issued ID

Click or drag & drop image here to upload

Thank You for your Membership Application. GLFFCU has many products that can meet your financial needs! A friendly staff member will be in touch with you shortly!